Your support has made it possible: L10nmgr 12 is now available to everyone! Thanks to your support and the dedicated contributors, L10nmgr 12 is now publicly and freely available.
Your support has made it possible: Gridelements 12 is freely available. Together we are developing Gridelements 13 with new functions and improvements.
Are you interested in improving translation processes in TYPO3? Do you want to simplify, optimize, and professionalize translations? If so, we invite you to join the Translation Handling Initiative! During the TYPO3 Developer Days 2023, we will be meeting with like-minded individuals who want to be a part of this new initiative. Everyone with an interest in TYPO3 and translations is welcome!
By investing in the development of Gridelements, L10nmgr, and Localizer, you contribute to the enhancement of those major TYPO3 extensions, ensuring their quality and reliability for all users!
We have great news for the TYPO3 community! The popular extensions Gridelements, L10mgr and Localizer have released their latest major versions 11.0.0 compatible to both CMS 10 and 11 at the same time. And we can say that they are alive and kicking!
Set the course for the future of multilingualism in TYPO3 with us. We want to hear your point of view, your wishes but also your problems and together we will think about what solutions we will need. Visit our workshop at the TYPO3 Developer Days or send us your story by email, so that multilingualism in TYPO3 will be even better with the next versions.
Coders.Care and our company Cybercraft GmbH have counted on the support of Gitlab as a platform for our open source repositories for almost 10 years now. However, we would like to briefly describe why we will switch to GitHub in the future and what this means for you as users and sponsors of our extensions.
Since there seems to be some misunderstanding, here is some additional information about Gridelements and crowdfunding:
Since crowdfunding is a very successful way for products or projects to raise many small amounts of money from a larger community, we want to show in this article that it could even be a way to help overcome the current crisis.
Find out about the famous toolmakers, the spirit of Open Source, what they have in common with our TYPO3 extension SLAs and why this will increase efficiency and reliability of your projects.
Find out how your business can benefit from our TYPO3 extension SLAs and why they will increase efficiency and reliability of your projects.
Gridelements for TYPO3 CMS 8 will soon be released in the TER. They are already available from Git master on and function broadly with the current TYPO3 version. This tutorial focuses on innovations of the frontend output with CMS 8.
As a developer, reseller or user of open-source software you want a professional partner to make sure your solution is something your business can rely on. Sustainability and responsiveness outweigh license pricing.
With crowdfunding as a very successful way for products or projects to collect money from the masses we are going to illuminate the pros and cons of this financing method regarding open-source plugins.
Backing an open-source project by founding an association can be a good idea. But does it work out as an answer to all financial questions or can we find better solutions for certain issues?
Some thoughts and ideas about the future of open-source extension funding in a business world and how projects like TYPO3 can still be consistent with free software principles.
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