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Directly support the gridelements maintainers without having to buy an SLA

With the release of TYPO3 CMS 12 LTS spring 2023 CMS 10 has become outdated and support won't be available without ELTS anymore. Upgrade your systems to a stable version now, become part of the supporting crowd of Gridelements with new features for CMS 11 and 12 and get instant access to our early access repository.


This extension integrates the grid layout concept also to regular content elements - the grid elements. It offers a lot of new features like advanced drag & drop or real references, that improve the usability of the page and list module to speed up the daily work with the backend.


The current state of Gridelements 12

TYPO3 version 12 has way more changes at its core than any previous versions, so there's a lot more work to be done than we first thought. But we have some good news!

We've already got a working Gridelements version for TYPO3 12 that runs in the Page module.

Our "Gridelements supporters for Version 12" can start using it right now. We'd love your feedback too – just create an issue, if something could be better.

To speed things up even more and get Gridelements 12 development into our daily routine, we could really use some financial support for version 12. Everyone who chips in helps us reach our goal faster! So everyone reading this has the power to decide how quickly we move forward.

Are you on board? Wanna help with the ongoing development of Gridelements for TYPO3-Version 12? As always, you can simply complete the form below.

We'd seriously appreciate your help!

Support the further development and maintenance of Gridelements for TYPO3 12 and get immediate access to our early-access repository!

How does it work?

This is an informal request for a financial pledge of this crowdfunding campaign. You will get an official confirmation about the pledged amount, which will become a binding contract as soon as you get an invoice about the amount of your pledge. Contractual partner will be Cybercraft GmbH, since we are the official maintainers of the extension gridelements.

At any time, it is possible to increase the amount of your pledge. You cannot withdraw or lower your pledge, though.